
The company

Zachert Private Equity GmbH is the investment vehicle of Olaf Zachert, who has been active as a venture investor for over 20 years. The company is 100% privately owned by him; investments and company acquisitions are made exclusively through equity. The company is based in Grünheide (Mark), not far from the Tesla Giga Factory on the border with Berlin.

two persons holding hands

Zachert Private Equity: Reviving Potential

Zachert Private Equity concentrates on the acquisition of loss-making investments from family offices, private equity funds, listed groups or medium-sized companies. Zachert Private Equity focuses on European and North American companies with high development potential. The focus here is on companies with sales of between EUR 5 million and EUR 75 million. The aim is to develop the potential of the target companies, which usually have low earnings, through an active turnaround process and to lead them on a stable and profitable growth path. In addition, we take over other suitable companies as part of a buy & build process in order to achieve optimum value creation and a critical sales volume.

Investing in Your Vision With Patience and Purpose

Investments can be held long-term and without “exit pressure”. There is no specific sector focus; in individual cases, we also invest in owner-managed companies that are in a state of upheaval or are up for sale due to a lack of succession.

Your Vision, Our Investment – Build Success Together

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